Exhibitions, talks & panels, performances and UNIDEE Residency Modules September 21–December 7, 2024
In 2024, UNIDEE Residency Programs celebrates 25 years of fostering educational encounters for artists involved in art and social transformation at Cittadellarte—Fondazione Pistoletto in Biella, Italy. Founded in 1999 by Michelangelo Pistoletto, the residency programs have hosted thousands of artists and cultural professionals from 52 countries, exemplifying what art historian Gregory Sholette considers “a far-sighted and vibrant investment in the future of innovative, intellectually stimulating, and socially engaged cultural practices.”
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To mark the 25th anniversary of the UNIDEE residency programs, Cittadellarte dedicates the 26th Arte al Centro event to reflecting on the evolution of artistic residencies for social transformation. The celebrations will highlight how Cittadellarte and UNIDEE have fostered personal and societal change and will feature panels, meetings, performances, and a special edition of UNIDEE Modules residencies addressing key issues in art for social change.
Ways of Becoming: 25 years with UNIDEE A group exhibition, that will open on the 21st of September at Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto (Biella, Italy), by UNIDEE alumni worldwide will explore how art can drive processes of change.
The exhibition will display works by Mae Aguinaldo-Mapa, Nico Angiuli, Mariangela Aponte, Laurent Barnavon, Lindsay Benedict, Ilaria Biotti, Charles-Antoine Blais Métivier, Michael Blum, Beatrice Catanzaro, David Cañavate, Luigi Coppola, Giulia Filippi, Stephanie Hanna, Mako Ishizuka, Emily Jacir, Charlie Jeffery, Cees Krijnen, Olga Ledis, Natalia Ludmila, Karl Logge & Marta Romani, Matthew Mazzotta, Katia Meneghini, Ryts Monet, Alice Pedroletti, Anastasia Ryabova, Caretto – Spagna, Chiara Sgaramella, PLoT (Colette Lewis, Marilyn Lennon and Elinor Rivers), Alejandro Vàsquez and Kosta Tonev, Charlie Jeffery, Georgios Moraitis, Marlo De Lara.
The exhibition is a collaborative effort showcasing archival materials, including anecdotes, memories, reflections, books, and recipes from former residents and mentors.
Talks and panels A four-days symposium featuring Andy Abbott, Valerio del Baglivo, Susanne Bosch, Chiara Cartuccia, Beatrice Catanzaro, Viviana Checchia, Luigi Coppola, Vincenzo Estremo, Fabiola Fiocco, Owen Griffiths, Cecilia Guida, Jeanne van Heeswijk, Iswanto Hartono, Diego del Pozo Barriuso, Juan Sandoval, Alessandra Saviotti, Angela Serino, Anna Taylor, Ovidiu Țichindeleanu and Mick Wilson. The program reflects on the transformation of socially engaged art over the past 25 years, exploring its intersection with other disciplines. The themes will address critical issues, from the ecological turn to envisioning new configurations for future artistic institutions, the pedagogical dimension of socially engaged art, and hospitality as a method in artistic residencies. Finally, the program will discuss the evolution of various formats experimented with by UNIDEE Residency Programs and the archive’s role in shaping the next 25 years.
Public programme The four-day celebration features a public program organised by UNIDEE alumni, including open mic sessions, workshops, sound art performances, a live film sound session, and board games. Additional activities include plants life drawing, creating food-related fanzines, impromptu tango sessions, and family activitie with Omar Adel, Ayed Arafah, Trine Bumiller, Elizaveta Butakova, Katya Craftsovav, Giulia Filippi, Shayma Hamad, Stephanie Hanna, Mako Ishizuka, Karl Logge & Marta Romani, Ginevra Ludovici, Manuela Macco, Ahmad Malki, Rachel Nord, Alice Pedroletti, Nicole Sánchez + Lygia Fernandes (Mais uno+1), Rebecca Sforzani, Josie Tothill, Daniel Urrea, Alejandro Vásquez, and ad more.
UNIDEE and the city of Biella The program features a series of interventions throughout Biella, collaborating with local organisations and associations. These highlight how the artistic residency programme has woven relationships with the public space, the people, and the city’s over the last 25 years.
UNIDEE Residency Modules The Autumn 2024 UNIDEE residency modules will expand on the themes highlighted during the celebration, with mentors Fabiola Fiocco, Susanne Bosch, Eva Rowson, Angela Serino and Bianca Elzenbaumer, and facilitators Andy Abbott, Beatrice Catanzaro and Alessandra Saviotti. These modules offer a space for in-depth exploration of key questions and learning with peers and experts. The three modules, each accommodating up to twelve participants, will take place at Cittadellarte—Fondazione Pistoletto between October and December 2024. Participation is offered free of charge and a limited number of partial and full travel bursaries are made available to those who would not otherwise be able to participate.
Exhibitions, talks & panels, performances and UNIDEE Residency Modules September 21–December 7, 2024
In 2024, UNIDEE Residency Programs celebrates 25 years of fostering educational encounters for artists involved in art and social transformation at Cittadellarte—Fondazione Pistoletto in Biella, Italy. Founded in 1999 by Michelangelo Pistoletto, the residency programs have hosted thousands of artists and cultural professionals from 52 countries, exemplifying what art historian Gregory Sholette considers “a far-sighted and vibrant investment in the future of innovative, intellectually stimulating, and socially engaged cultural practices.”
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graphic novel
Eric J. Coolen & Cees Krijnen
In productie verwacht najaar 2024 Een autobiografisch beeldverhaal over de kunstenaar en de band met zijn vader en kunstenaars/mentors Ritsaert ten Cate en Michelangelo Pistoletto. De totale omvang van de novel wordt 90 pagina's.
Wordt vervolgd....
Let's Paint!
Porter's Paints Nederland
Expositie van Cees Krijnen Tentoonstelling Maart 2024 Het schilderen is opnieuw een bron van inspiratie voor mij, Cees Krijnen. Porter's Paints heeft mijn interesse gewekt, vooral door de eigenschappen van hun producten, met name het craquelé effect. Na een tijd van creatieve ontdekking is er nu een werk gereed. In maart 2024 neem ik de uitdaging aan om een expositie te presenteren, met diverse werken gemaakt met Porter's Paints, in de Showroom van Porter's Paints in Haarlem, Nederland.
Op de praatstoel zit ik eigenlijk al mijn hele leven al, maar afgelopen anderhalf jaar is dat ook letterlijk gebeurd. Het begon allemaal met een podcast in het Fotomuseum Den Haag met Wilfried de Jong, Leuk en goed gesprek over de tentoonstelling OUDERS, READ / LEES ►
Cees Krijnen, Sara van Vliet, Tim Wunderink, Dj. ShitMommy. Tentoonstelling van 7 Oktober t/m 12 December 2023 13 uur tot 17 uur 2023 of op afspraak UNKNOWN Pop-up Gallery, Oostkade 10-12, Zaandam. alexander@themaekers.com
De 'Praatstoel', speciaal voor de gast in het performance project Kakel Kois ontworpen en vervaardigd door Mark Beverwijk, is nu nog te bezichtigen in de WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE GALLERY in de Reguliersdwarsstraat in Amsterdam en gaat daarna op tournee. www.whatishappeninghere.com
Gerardjan Rijnders (1949) is toneelregisseur, auteur, acteur, en is artistiek leider van Toneelgroep Amsterdam geweest. De man die eens aanschoof bij het avondvullende Zomergasten, was op 16 december 2022 te gast in de galerie WiHH in de Reguliersdwarsstraat Amsterdam voor deze podcast, hier te beluisteren. Gerardjan Rijnders was betrokken bij verscheidene theaterproducties van Cees waaronder Galleryplay en regisseerde daarmee ook onder andere Greta Blok, moeder van Cees. ceeskrijnen.com/couture-theater https://www.theaterkrant.nl/tag/ gerardjan-rijnders/
Three-Dimensional Sketch for Statue 2002 AVAILABLE as a NFT ON objkt.com
This self-important woman is Greta Blok, the mother of conceptual artist Cees Krijnen, who dressed her for this occasion in a creation by Frank Govers with shoes by Bruno Magli. He planned to make a life-size sculpture of her in 2003, when she was finally free after a gruelling seventeen-year divorce procedure. The photograph was a sketch design for a monument that should symbolise the opposite of the stigmatised idea of a ‘sad divorcee’. The vicissitudes of his parents’ divorce and his mother’s regained freedom were the subject of Krijnen’s art in the years 1999-2015. It started with the project Financing My Parents’ Divorce, an early form of crowd funding to assist his impoverished mother in the lawsuits that his father repeatedly brought. It garnered him the prestigious Prix de Rome; the prize money went straight to his mother’s fighting fund. In 2003 Cees Krijnen published a one-off glossy entirely magazine entitled G/BLOK, devoted to his mother and muse. It features this amazon-like portrait as a compelling fashion advert. objkt.com WOMAN IN DIVORCE BATTLE ON TOUR The Guardian
Hans Dagelet (1945) is een acteur, trompettist, auteur en kunstenaar. Een van zijn projecten recent is een theaterbewerking van de roman Stervend Europa van Ivan Goll uit 1927. Het roept een beeld op van het continent dat ten prooi valt aan een alles verterende bacterie die alle leven vernietigt, inclusief gebouwen. De voorstelling is een live uitgevoerd hoorspel met geluiden en muziek. Te zien op 8 december in het Oude Raadhuis in Hoofddorp. In ons gesprek zochten we naar parallellen.
Jos Wienen (1960) is een historicus, theoloog, bestuurder en CDA-politicus. Sinds 21 september 2016 is hij de burgemeester van Haarlem. Tot mijn grote genoegen was hij bereid met levensvragen de spits af te bijten in mijn Podcast Performance 22 en 23 oktober 11.00 uur - 18.00 uur in Haarlem. Een en ander is hier te beluisteren.
Adelheid Roosen (1958) is een theatermaakster, actrice, dramadocente, schrijfster en sinds jaar en dag een van mijn beste vrienden. De tweede dag van de Podcast Performance op 23 oktober heb ik telefonisch contact met haar, terwijl ik in de Haarlemse galerie en public op de praatstoel zit. De conversatie die zich ontspon is hier te beluisteren.
May 19th 2022 10.15-11.00 Central European Summer Time
Horasis Global Meeting The Arts – Artists and Their Brand Image
2 juli tot en met 13 november 2022
Tentoonstelling OUDERS in Fotomuseum Den Haag PODCAST Wilfried de Jong en Cees Krijnen in gesprek over de tentoonstelling OUDERS Fotomuseum Den Haag